The Chelsea Unicorn
Cost: €4,800.00 | Cost: £4,500.00
Dimensions: 40 × 25 × 65 cm (W×D×H), 20kg
Long dead driftwood | Recycled stainless steel
James’ Chelsea Unicorn represents enchantment, purity, strength and majesty. The Unicorn's head is bowed in a gesture of respectful acknowledgement towards the observer, while simultaneously conveying a distinct message of independence and need for boundaries.
The earliest reference to a unicorn is found in Mesopotamian art and texts circa 2000 BCE. More recently, some 500 years ago, Scotland adopted the unicorn as its national symbol &it was subsequently incorporated into the English royal coat of arms when the Scottish King James VI ascended to the English throne in 1603.
The Chelsea Unicorn is the working maquette of the 380cm life size sculpture that will be presented at James’ annual exhibit at the World renowned Chelsea Flower Show.