The Interpid Traveller I

Cost: €12,500.00 | Cost: £10,000.00

Dimensions: 130 × 60 × 270 cm (W×D×H), 138kg


Long dead driftwood | Recycled stainless steel

The Intrepid Traveller I is the first of a three piece installation named “Journeys” that features three larger than life seahorses. The sea horse is a wondrous animal! A pair will court each other and form strong bonds. The male carries and nurtures the developing eggs. They average a respectable speed of some 2 metres an hour, beating the garden snail by a fair number of centimeters. Seahorses are masters of disguise, assimilating into their surroundings.

The Intrepid Traveller encourages us to savour the journey as well as the destination and to sometimes consider moulding ourselves to our environment instead of changing our environments to suit ourselves.


The Chelsea Unicorn